Saturday, 31 March 2018

Pack Like A Pro!

Bag pack while travelling can either make or break your trip. So it’s better to
give it a thought of what is actually needed for the trip so that it can be less
stressful and more fun.

Whether it's few days trip or a long vocational one, ask yourself if the thing
is actually important? If it passes the test, get it in your suitcase.
You have to think about how to pack strategically.

Remember: Heavy stuff at the bottom, stuff that leaks go in plastic bags and
things you’ll need as soon as you arrive at your destination (like toiletries) go

at the top.

Here is the checklist of ultimate travel packing essentials so that you can
make your next trip less stressful and more fun:

Comfy Stuff- Travel to adorn the scenic view and not yourself because

you are already doing that…Right?
Those sexy skirts and cute stilettos won’t work when you have to just roam
for the full day as that’s what a trip is all about. Pair of jeans, Comfortable
tees would be handier than those Showstopping outfit. So always give
priority to delightful yet comfortable clothing.

Get ready with Plan ‘B’- Always keep your itinerary flexible as
sometimes things don’t work out as u planned it to be. Unforeseen
circumstances could land you in trouble and you might end up with a futile
trip. An alternative plan can act as a saviour so always ready with one.

Vital Documents - While travelling inland or outside the nation, some

documents always need to be carried. Do checklists of your important
documents like ID’s, passports, visas etc. Nowadays, even most of the
hotels ask for your photo identification proofs so be sure you have an extra
copy of that too!

Medical Aid – We all happily carry juices, snacks and other

eatables but we mostly miss out is medication. It is important to take care
of all the basic medication and make it a mandatory check. Proper
Medication at the time of an itinerary is vital.

Cache some Cash– In the world of Digitisation, Plastic cards, E-wallets

are the things our wallets are already filled with. However, sometimes the
liquid cash could be the need of the hour. So it’s better to keep some cash or
the required currency with you. Use it in case of any urgency.

So next time you plan a trip don’t forget to read the checklist above and
make your trip a wonderful one!!

It has been rightly said:

           "Gladly live out of a backpack, If you could see the world"

Happy Travel 😊

Friday, 23 March 2018

                      Travel to Live, Live to Travel

What exactly comes to your mind when you hear the word 'Travel'? Well to me, it's 3E...Excitement, Ecstasy and Earning.

Yes Earning! You must be thinking how the heck one can earn something while spending so much on travel..but yes, you can!! You can earn a lot of experience of pleasure and joy which will remain in one's mind and memory.


Travel is something that not only makes you a better human being but a way cooler one too. The kind of person people gravitate toward and want to be around.

How and why does travel make you more awesome? Let me count the ways:

Happier - Travel teaches you how to be happy. You will learn to become more confident, relaxed and amiable. It makes you live the life in a much simpler way and you will become more realistic and less materialistic.

More Social Travelling makes you social by engaging with a different type of people sharing diverse information and exchanging viewpoints.You learn to make friends out of strangers and get more comfortable talking to new people.

Refresh Yourself - Giving yourself time in a day is fruitful, and giving few days in the year will make you motivated and energized throughout the year. Refresh your mind and body and enjoy and place your phones, tablets, and laptops away from you. Think of the movie “Zindagi Naa Milegi Dobara” and do some master like them.Great idea...Isn't it???

More Adaptable --You will be going to deal with bad weather, missed flights, horrible food and what not but that does not stop you.
Everything will not be served to you as a cake but yes that is what makes you more adaptive.You don’t get mad, you don’t get angry; you just alter what you are doing and move on. 

Treasure of memories - And at last, you are back with a lot of memories to cherish..of course, good and bad too!!
Good ones give you pleasure while bad ones give you experiences.
Things end but memories last forever.

 It is rightly said: 

                 "Travelling makes you Speechless and then turns you into a Storyteller"         

To wit, Travelling make you more of an awesome person.So there should be no excuse for why you should not travel. 

So zip up your bags and travel on!!


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